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Schema piece - Offer

Describes an offer for a Product (typically prices, stock availability, etc).


  • Should be output when required by a Product piece.

Required properties

A valid Offer must have the following properties.

  • @type: Offer.
  • @id: The site's home URL appended by #/schema/Offer/{{ID}}, where {{ID}} is a unique identifier.
  • availability: A URL representing a schema itemAvailability value (e.g.,
  • url: The canonical URL of the page containing the Offer.
  • priceSpecification: A PriceSpecification object, including a price, priceCurrency, and valueAddedTaxIncluded property (of either true or false).

Optional properties

The following should be added whenever available and valid:

  • priceValidUntil: A date (in YYYY-mm-dd format) representing the end of a current, temporary pricing value (e.g., a sales period with a defined end-date).
  • seller: A reference-by-ID to the WebSite's publishing Organization.

Failure scenarios

If any of the required fields are missing or invalid, the node should not be output.

If the node is not output, any entities which would otherwise have referenced the Offer should remove those references (e.g., when a product references an Offer by ID).


Minimum criteria

"@context": "",
"@graph": [
"@type": "Offer",
"@id": "",
"priceSpecification": {
"@type": "PriceSpecification",
"price": "22.00",
"valueAddedTaxIncluded": "false",
"priceCurrency": "GBP"
"availability": "",
"url": "",
"seller": {
"@id": ""

Yoast WooCommerce SEO API: Change Offer Schema output

To make changes to the Offer schema that Yoast SEO outputs, you can use our wpseo_schema_offer filter. Here is an example:

add_filter( 'wpseo_schema_offer', 'example_change_offer', 10, 3 );

* Adds the product description to the offer schema.
* @param array $offer The schema offer data.
* @param WC_Product_Variation $variation The WooCommerce product variation we're working with.
* @param WC_Product $product The WooCommerce product we're working with.
* @return array Offer data array.
function example_change_offer( $offer, $variation, $product ) {
$offer['priceSpecification']['description'] = $product->get_description();

return $offer;

We also have a less specific filter for the full product schema: wpseo_schema_product, see Product Schema piece for more information.

To make more changes to our Schema output, see the Yoast SEO Schema API.